Flea Beetles

These tiny beetles are a particular pest of cabbage-family crops. They disfigure plants and can kill seedlings by nibbling leaves. They also spread virus diseases. What are they? Flea beetles are [...]

Potato Tuber Problems

There are several serious diseases of potato tubers. Most can be avoided by preparing the ground well before planting, and watering during dry spells. Common Scab What is it? This disease is the [...]

Potato Blight

Most vegetable gardens will be affected by potato blight at some stage. Fortunately, there are measures you can take to treat and prevent it. What is potato blight? Potato blight (Phytophthorci [...]

Parsnip Canker

A disease causing roots to blacken, crack and eventually rot. Avoid it by growing resistant varieties and by improving the soil conditions. What is parsnip canker? Black or orange patches on the [...]


What is clubroot? It is a fungal infection of the roots of cabbages and related plants. The roots are destroyed, crops fail to reach maturity and the soil is contaminated with spores that infest [...]

Carrot Fly

This pest damages the roots of carrots, parsley, celery, celeriac and parsnips. However, attacks can be prevented by taking action early in the season. What is carrot fly? Carrot fly is a common [...]

Care & Cultivation of Onion Sets, Shallots & Garlic

In your onion sets you may notice that some feel slightly soft and/or have started to grow a little this is quite natural and should not affect their performance. To keep bulbs until planting [...]