Please note that the shop is available only for members of the BRAA and associated members of Bournemouth Federation of Allotments and no monies are kept on site.

Opening times ;   Monday – 8.30a.m. – 10.00a.m.  Tuesday – Sunday – 9.00a.m. – 11.00a.m.

The flag will be flown when the shop is open and a notice will be on the door informing you who is available to serve you, along with their plot number, usually this will be Paul from Plot 77.  Payment can be made by Cash, Cheque or Bank Transfer on the day while at the shop.


 On-Site shop to peruse on-line only.

  • Stock is  advertised on line to peruse and check the prices .
  •  Please visit the shop for all purchases.
  • The shop will confirm at the time if all items and quantities are in stock.
  • Payment is cash, cheque  or on-line  bank transfer – whilst at the shop. Advise the shop when transaction is complete and items will be released in the same way as any other shop on the high street.
  • For more information or to place an order please visit the shop.

Product description

Price per Kg.

Bone Meal


Blood, Fish & Bone




Hoof & Horn Meal

Out of Stock

Vitax Q4


Calcified Seaweed


Chicken Pellets


Slug Pellets




Sulphate of Ammonia


Sulphate of Potash

Out of Stock

Sulphate of Iron




Potato Fertiliser


Garden Lime  ( 3kg Box, granulated)


Product description

Per Bag or Item

Mushroom Compost

out of stock

Clover Multi-Purpose Compost 60 Litres


Horse Manure Compost


Grow Bag


Perlka (Nitrogenous Fertiliser & Club Root Treatment)


Onion Bag


Ant Powder


Product description

Price per Metre

Debris Netting (2m Wide)


Weed Suppressant (2m Wide)


Bamboo Canes(8 feet long)
